Saturday 11 April 2009

The Rains Came...

We have had some unusual weather in the country which begins with Q lately. Some attribute this to global warming-- I'm glad people are finally starting to take notice of what is happening.

Last week, the rains came. Usually the country which begins with Q has its rainy season during the winter-- in January, or February. Even during this time, though, more than 20 drops of water which fall in the same spot constitute as rain. However, the storms last week closely rival those found in rainier climates. The rain did not just fall for 20 drops, or even for 20 minutes. Rather, last Friday, the rain fell for a good hour or more.

This did not affect our diving, however. As I had to go to the beach to work on my Divemaster candidate internship, which entailed accompanying Open Water students on their first 2 open water dives (I greatly enjoyed the experience, but was more tired after 2 dives than I normally would be), I found myself outside setting up kit during the worst part of the rain.

I haven't owned a rain umbrella since I left Japan in 2006. However, I found my beach umbrella came in handy to stop the wind-driven rain and sand from drenching me as I worked.

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