So now I'm back in Montana, after a 2-day car trip from Arizona. It's actually quite a nice drive. I drove from Tucson to Flagstaff, and then kept going north on 89 to the Arizona border. From there, I stayed on 89 past Kanab, Utah, and eventually cut across 14 to Cedar City. Then I got on I-15 and headed north to Payson, where I stayed overnight.
The next day I left from Payson (40 miles or so south of Salt Lake) and drove the rest of the way.
I engaged in drive-by tourism while on the road.
If you've never taken this trip from Arizona to Montana, here are some of the things I saw:

The mountains near Flagstaff.

The area around the Grand Canyon, which reminds me of Mars.

The area past the Grand Canyon, which reminds me of either the moon or the Badlands of North Dakota.

A sagebrush forest in Utah...

Leads to a nice scenic drive past Kanab.

On 14, I actually saw huge piles of lava, kind of like driving around Hawai'i.

The Wasatch range near Salt Lake is quite nice.

Eastern Idaho is a lot of rolling farmland. This is a Budweiser field.

And, finally, the mountains of Montana.