Tuesday 22 August 2006

Well, it's the first day of school here in Sunny Tucson. It's actually kind of strange, as I haven't experienced First Day of School for quite some time. In Japan, we'd have a long boring meeting, followed by cleaning, followed by a long boring ceremony which has no real point, followed by another meeting to discuss the long pointless boring ceremony and other Pointless Issues. By my 3rd year, as people know, I skipped the meetings and went home, claiming to be really busy.

Right now maintenance is in my apartment. There was a hella leak in the living room, it came from a cleanout drain which came from my bathroom. Turns out the people who built the building didn't install the drain plug properly. So now we have a full-blown repair job being undertaken, with custodial coming to clean up and dry the carpet. Kinda interesting.

I'm reading In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. It's quite a book. The movie is fabulous!

Anyhoo. Here are a couple more shots from campus. They're the main gate to campus, and a shot of the SUB from the library.

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