Sunday 2 July 2006

I get by...

So less than a month until I'm outta here, and back to the States. I think the stress of work, graduate school, and moving is starting to catch up with me. I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating. Even basic tasks are difficult.

Graduate School isn't going as smoothly as I wanted it to. I have to do a project for ethics, and I have to interview someone. I located 3 different organizations and e-mailed them. Very polite business e-mail, introducing myself and explaining that I would like to speak with someone regarding (blah blah). Not a single reply. Not even the courtesy of a "I'm sorry, but we're not allowed to speak with students", or a "I'm sorry, but I can't be of assistance."

So I've started my project over for the 3rd time. I e-mailed a friend in desperation after she e-mailed me in desperation about HER class, and she hooked me up with her future sister-in-law, who works for a justice of the peace. Which was really, really cool of her to do. We owe each other so many pints of beer that it will be a long drinking session.

Without further ado, the Explanation for today's title. It's from the Beatles song, "I get by with a little help from my friends". Tracy's not the only friend helping me out now. I've got others who are helping me stay sane. The English teachers at school are wonderful people. So are my fellow JET friends. I'm fortunate to be surrounded by such wonderful people.

Have started reading manga more. It's actually quite enjoyable. Don't worry, I haven't crossed over to only reading manga, but I think it's important for me to read in Japanese. I went to the local discount bookshop, where you can get manga for less than a dollar a book (105 yen, 100 yen plus 5 yen consumption tax). I'm trying it out. The one I'm reading now is about a guy my age who just graduated medical school and wants to become a surgeon.

Speaking of Japanese, you may laugh at this. But I want to become an International Librarian (the field is known as International Librarianship). But I'm wondering if I shouldn't have 2 degrees. As I've lived in Japan for 3 years, and become pretty good at Japanese, I'm thinking about how I can continue to utilize my ability. When I get to Arizona, I want to meet my advisor and speak with him/her about this. The U of A offers Asian studies, and one of the specialties is Japan. You have to do language, which would be good for me as I need to be taught grammar and how to write. Not write like as in writing kanji, but writing as in how to write a letter, how to write sentences correctly, etc. So I'm thinking if I did a double major in Asian studies I could maybe improve my chances of getting a job overseas. I'm subscribed to a listserv where jobs are posted, so I've been reading to see what kind of qualifications are needed.

So what I may be able to do is get my M.Lis done, then get a job, then work on my second degree while I'm getting library experience. That way I have a job in my field.

You maybe wonder why I didn't start this track sooner. Well, to be truthful, I only started thinking about it recently. Also, I think I want to confer with my advisor or other professors to get their opinions about what I should do.

So it goes.

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