Thursday 17 March 2011


--So after 2 days of Group 2 not having its keikakuteiden (planned power outage), we finally had our first one yesterday. Our group time was 15.20 until 19.00, but the outage actually only lasted from 15.45 until around 18.40. It hadn't quite gotten dark outside yet, but the end was enough to require lighting of some sort (flashlights, candles etc.). It seems that the pattern has been that the daytime shifts have been carried out, but the evening shift doesn't (18.20 unti 22.00) unless it's absolutely necessary. Today our shift is from 12.20 until 4pm. A multiple day list has finally been published, which shows that the groups rotate in order, so it is easy to look ahead and know what your group's scheduled time will be. This certainly makes adjusting to the schedule a lot easier, as people aren't literally waiting until 10pm the night before to learn what the next day's rotation will be. Each group retains 1 shift, with two contingency shifts scheduled in the afternoon and early evening. The contingency shifts are also being rotated, so if your contingency is in the evening, then the next day it will be the afternoon, and then you are off for 3 days.

-- I want to thank everyone for the telephone / Skype calls, e-mails, and Facebook pings I have received since the multiple diasters.

**I also wish to thank the people who has asked if I need anything. It is kind of you to think about this, and to be ready to extend help. The short answer is thank you very much, but no, we are okay here.

However, one way you can assist me is by instead giving that assistance to the people in the North, who more desperately need it right now. Physical supplies are more difficult right now due to transport logistics being messed up, but financial assistance will make it to the groups who are in a better position to get the physical supplies transport. Your donations will help buy kerosene, blankets, clothing, food, water and medicines. Keep in mind that it is snowfall style winter there, and some people have been without heat/food/water for days now.

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