So today we were talking about traffic tickets, and I decided, on a whim, to check my plate.
It's interesting how the Arabic and English don't translate right. According to the English translation, I had:

But the Arabic reads as:

I asked my colleague Robeen to tell me if the Arabic and English match up, and sure enough they don't. The Arabic reads as a simple speeding fine, not as a dangerous vehicle overloading.
Flexibility and a sense of humor are key assets to have in Qatarshire.
We've had 2 "overloading" fines - one actually in a location that we never drive or have been to. You certainly need to have a sense of humor....Tony
Ha ha ha... yeah, Ross accused me of going on a shopping spree at the QDC. What's "overloaded" around the QDC? One case of beer? Even though you're supposed to have it "hidden". :D
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