Thursday 31 January 2008

It was a very good year...

For today's post, I'll relate an anecdote from my workplace.

My co-worker, whom I shall refer to as 'S', was looking at the annual ALA conference dates. ALA stands for the American Library Association, and their huge annual conference is in Anaheim, California, in June. So S was checking the dates, as she wants to attend ALA. However, in referring to her calendar, she kept seeing that the dates on the screen didn't match up with the calendar. Frustrated, she called me over to see if I could decipher what the ALA folk were trying to say. One American understanding the code-speak of other Americans, I suppose. So anyway, I'm also trying to make heads and tails of the dates. I, too, see how the days of the week don't correspond with what's on the calendar at all.

Strictly by chance, I see the year printed on the calendar. It's 2007. S had been relying on the January 2007 calendar to tell her what day it was. And not just for one day, but for the last two weeks of January she was back at work.

There must have been some 2007 calendars in the drawer which went unused, and the administrative assistant probably didn't think to check the year before giving S the calendar.

S calls our assistant, who is also S, and they're having a good laugh on the phone. Less than an hour later, a 2008 calendar is brought by our support staff, and arrives with a post-it note stating "With love, S"

I guess 2007 was so good that S decided to stay there for a while longer. (^^)

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