Saturday 6 October 2007

Towers, Holes and Cranes

It isn't often that someone can say they're living in a city which is literally being built around them, but that's what's happening in Doha. When I look out my windows at the West Bay and beyond, I see a lot of half-constructed high-rises, holes for new ones, and cranes.
I am not sure what many of the buildings are to become.
In the first photo, though, off the City Centre, I do know that is to become a Shangra-la hotel. Then, in the third photo, you can see the bottom of what will become the Marriot/Courtyard Marriot off the other side of City Centre.
In the second photo, much of this is reclaimed land.


Jocelyn and Tony said...

I think some of the kids growing up in Doha will get the impression that all buildings naturally have cranes perched on the top of them...Tony

namabiru said...

Hahaha, I'm sure. And that it's quite normal for young men to have shiny new Land Cruisers and other assorted expensive toys.