The other day, I stepped out from work and realized how significant it was to see the number of cranes dotting the skyline. I counted 17.
Here's a panorama view, starting from the North:
"A Thousand Miles From Nowhere" comes from the Dwight Yoakam song of the same name.
Yesterday I went to Old Club Reef, and the conditions couldn't have been better. Warm day, no wind, and water temps warmed up to 22C, with a small thermocline to 23 at 6 meters, and surface temperatures at 24. If this keeps up, I predict I'll be back in just a 3mil within 2 weeks.
But there was some excitement at OCR. A chromodoris obsoleta has laid eggs, and I also got a good photo of the chromodoris cazae that has been lurking for the last few weeks. Seeing the chromodoris cazae is an especially wonderful treat, as the only documented sightings of this nudibranch in the whole wide blue world are Qatar and the UAE. There were also 3 nice-sized white snapper, which I am sincerely hoping did not fall victim to the spearfishermen who insist on hunting where a lot of people pleasure dive.